We are committed to ensuring a safe and happy environment for your child.
We support your child’s health and safety through a range of strategies including:
- the behaviour code for students, which outlines the standards of behaviour expected in all NSW public schools
- anti-racism education
- anti-bullying programs
- conflict resolution and mediation training
- peer support
- road safety education
- the Healthy School Canteen Strategy.
For more information, visit the student wellbeing section of the department’s website.
Like all NSW public schools, we promote the healthy development of students through:
- school programs and practices that protect and promote health and safety
- supporting individual students who need help with health issues
- providing first aid and temporary care of students who become unwell or who have an accident at school.
Student wellbeing
Like all NSW public schools, we provide safe learning and teaching environments to encourage healthy, happy, successful and productive students.
The department is committed to creating quality learning opportunities for children and young people. These opportunities support wellbeing through positive and respectful relationships and fostering a sense of belonging to the school and community.
The Wellbeing Framework for Schools helps schools support the cognitive, physical, social, emotional and spiritual development of students and allows them to connect, succeed and thrive throughout their education.
Live life well at school
Live life well at school is a joint program of the Department of Education and Training and NSW Health. The program aims to enhance teachers' knowledge, skills and confidence in teaching nutrition education and physical activity including fundamental movement as part of the Kindergarten to Year 6 PDHPE (personal development, health and physical education) syllabus.
Live life well at school strives to have more students, more active, more often and equips students to make healthy eating choices. This program also promotes 'whole school' initiatives consistent with classroom practice and encourages strong community links.
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Student medication
If your child requires medication to be administered during school hours, a medication form must be completed and returned to the school principal. Students are not permitted to have any medication in their school bags, except for asthma inhalers.
In general, schools only administer medication prescribed by a medical practitioner. Schools treat over the counter medications, like panadol in the same way as prescribed medication.
Please contact the school to discuss your child's individual health care needs. Alternatively, please fill out the request to administer medication document (DOC 188KB) and hand it into the office.